The Alienage
All Things Relating to Trade, Shipping, and Commodities

The Bonding House

Customs Stations of Hârnic Kingdoms

The following are the primary customs stations within each Hârnic kingdom, refer to 'Toll Stations of Hârn' for an idea of where the inland stations are located.


Zerhun: the gates to Azadmere.


Geda: the southern entry point on the Genin Trail.

Burzyn: the northern entry point on the Genin Trail.


Ulfshafen: the only port accessible by foreign vessels.


Kobing: the southern entry point on the Genin Trail.

Tashal: the western entry point on the Salt Route.

Olokand: the northern entry point on the Fur Trail.

Tonot: the northern entry point on Noron's Way.

Getha: the primary eastern entry point on the Silver Way.

Nenda: a secondary eastern entry point on the Silver Way.

Gardiren: a secondary eastern entry point on the Silver Way.


Aleath: the primary port of entry for the kingdom.

Sarkum: a secondary port of entry for the kingdom.

Selvos: a secondary port of entry for the kingdom.

Grelda: a secondary entry point on the road to Selvos.

Walden: on the main highway between Golotha and Menekod.

Heroth: on the main highway between Coranan and Menekod.

Zerien: on the main highway to Techen crossing the Thard.

Quivum: on the main highway between Coranan and Aleath.

Stedmary: a secondary entry point north of Menekod.

Otasur: a secondary entry point north of Menekod.


Cherafir: the primary port of entry for the kingdom.

Thay: a major port of entry for the kingdom.

Nurisel: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Karveth: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Chyrefal: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Gythrun: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Laket: the western entry point on the Genin Trail.


The king at Geldeheim technically collects all customary taxes. In fact, each of the local lords have more control over this activity and would only turn over such if forced to do so.


Golotha: the primary port of entry for the kingdom.

Shostim: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Ithiko: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Tormau: a minor port of entry for the kingdom.

Hyen: on the road to Selvos.

Teregan: on the main highway between Golotha and Menekod.

Gorin: on the main highway to Techen crossing the Thard.

Ernoll: on the main highway between Fobin and Themeson.

Anaseda: a secondary entry point south of Omnis.

Urmor: a secondary entry point east of Omnis.

Verl: a secondary entry point northeast of Omnis.

Thardic Republic

Coranan: the primary port on the Thard River.

Geshetei: a minor port on the Thard River.

Kuseme: at the head of the main highways going into Kanday.

Moleryn: the eastern entry point on the Salt Route.

Fobin: on the highway to Themeson.

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