Shipbuilding (yard size vs. market size)
In this section I will explain my reasons for tying shipyard size to market size when determining the types of vessels to be built there.
First of all, as I stated in another document on shipbuilding, shipwrights are very conservative in their ways and technology only moves as
a need for that technology arises.
Shipyard Size
This is the number of permanent employees working in the shipyard, including the freemaster, apprentices and bonded-masters. Size is an
assessment of yard capacity. Dividing the total number of mandays for work done at a yard by Size is an approximation of how many days the
work will take. Of course, the shipyard may already be busy with other jobs, and the date when work can commence is handled at GM discretion.
The following table shows the building style of some of the regions/kingdoms of northwestern Lýthia.
Region/Kingdom |
Shipbuilding Style |
Hârn |
Clinker |
Ivinia |
Clinker |
Harbaal |
Clinker |
Jarenmark |
Clinker |
Chelemby |
Clinker |
Shorkyne |
Clinker |
Hurisea |
Clinker |
Emelrene |
Clinker |
Palithane |
Clinker/Caravel |
Trierzon |
Caravel |
Tarkain |
Clinker/Caravel |
Azeryan |
Caravel |
Vessels of the Clinker Style
Pinda - A small vessel
Talbar - A small to medium vessel
Nivik - A medium to large vessel
Dragonship - A large to very large vessel
Vessels of the Caravel Style
Pinda - A small vessel
Talbar - A small to medium vessel
Venar - A medium to large vessel
Raem - A large to very large vessel
Laru - A very large vessel
Larumar - A very large vessel
Of the regions/kingdoms that build in the clinker style, Chelemby, Shorkyne, Emelrene, and Hârn also have the technical skills to
build the Dak within their larger ports. In addition, Chelemby and Palithane have the technical skills to also build the Karune in some of
their ports.
Within the Caravel regions, Trierzon can also build the Karune within its larger western ports.
Advanced Vessel Types
Dak - A large to very large clinker vessel
Karune - A very large Caravel vessel