Market Size
In Pilot’s Almanac market size is described as representing:
An assessment of trade volume and activity, given on a scale of one to nine, with [1] being a very minor market, [5] an average market, and [9] a
very major market. Size does not depend only on the population of the settlement, although this is a major factor. Some ports have small populations
but large hinterlands, and some like Cherafir, also are regional trade centers.
Looking at this description we can assume the majority of northwestern Lýthia.’s settlements are very minor markets [1-2] supporting the needs of
their immediate inhabitants and those villages within a couple of days walk. In some regions like Hârn there is only handful of markets that could
be considered an average market [4-6]. All of the larger markets [7+] appear to exist on mainland Lýthia.