The Alienage
All Things Relating to Trade, Shipping, and Commodities

The Shipwright

Principal Ports of Northwestern Lýthia

Principal Shipbuilding Ports of NW Lýthia

The following ports are those that have been identified using the key factors mentioned above as being the ports that can build the more advanced vessels as of 720 TR. Some of these ports are in fact not the primary port of a region or kingdom but act as a transit port for the larger port that is up-river from them. Even so, they are still significant in the shipping of materials and the building and repair of vessels.

Principal Port Key

(Melderyn) - Kingdom
[harnN10] - Regional Map Reference
MS - Market Size
SS - Shipyard Size
K - Clinker Construction Style
C - Caravel Construction Style
Dak - Facilities to build the Dak
Karune - Facilities to build the Karune

Alwin (Emelrene) [trierzonB2], MS 5, SS16, K, Dak
Alwin is the dominant port within the Gulf of Modan . Its hinterland encompasses the northern regions of the kingdom of Emelrene . The port is also the shipbuilding center for Emelrene. The shipyard, being well appointed, can build two vessels and is capable of servicing a number of vessels at the same time. As a result the port is a favorite winter haven with many mariners.

Anegon (Trierzon) [trierzonF10], MS 5, SS 15, C, Karune
Anegon is one of several regional market ports of Trierzon. With the exception that it is one of the few ports that produce Karunes, it has no other endearing features.

Chedilo (Trierzon) [trierzonH9], MS 5, SS 28, C, Karune
Chedilo is an important port and market in this part of Trierzon, but fares poorly against it rival ports. The port itself is however one of the centers of Trierzi shipbuilding and one of the largest producers of the Karune. Numerous expeditions to Anzeloria have originated from this port.

Chelemby (Chelemby) [shorkyneG6], MS 7, SS 22, K, Dak, Karune
Chelemby is a thriving town and port, an independent Ivinian kingdom. Chelemby is excellently situated to take advantage of the trade routes passing out of the Gulf of Shorkyne , the Sea of Ivae . As a result it has become the center of all regional trade. The port is very busy for most of the year, although winter months do show a marked decline in arrivals and departures. During the winter months the shipyard is kept busy repairing the numerous vessels that winter over in the port. In addition, Chelemby is currently the only northern port that has the ability to construct the Karune, having brought in shipwrights from Palithane.

Cherafir (Melderyn) [harnN10], MS 6, SS 8, K, Dak
Cherafir is the principal port of Melderyn and Hârn’s most populous state. The port is the terminus of the Larun of Cherafir that arrives in mid-Peonu. Cherafir is the largest port in the Hârnic isles and acts as a transit point for most goods entering or leaving the southern, eastern and western regions of the isles. The northern trade is still controlled by the kingdom of Orbaal.

Darlon (Trierzon) [trierzonI8], MS 5, SS 16, C, Karune
Darlon is a regional market and port along the southwestern coast of Trierzon . Unremarkable in many respects, it is still one of the few ports that produce the Karune.

Darshen (Trierzon) [trierzonF6], MS 5, SS 31, C, Karune
Darshen a regional market located at the head of the Gulf of Batana . Although it is not an important market it is a key shipbuilding center within western Trierzon. The shipyard has three slipways and is capable of repairing large numbers of ships at most any time of the year. Therefore, it is a key winter haven for vessels sailing these waters.

Eilyria (Shorkyne) [shorkyneH9], MS 7, SS 20, K, Dak
Located at the mouth of the Benamo, Eilyria is Shorkyne’s largest port. The port’s hinterland is the heart of the kingdom and the dominant source for grain and wine exports within the Gulf of Shorkyne . The port also acts as a distribution point for goods flowing out of Hurisea and Harbaal. Although the local merchants control a significant portion of this trade, they have seen to many concessions granted to their Chelemby competition in the past.

Eshapel (Shorkyne) [shorkyneC10], MS 6, SS 12, K Dak
The third largest city and port within Shorkyne, it is the dominant port and market within the Duchy of Alagon. The port does a brisk trade with Hârn, Ivinia, and other points to the south. Its port facilities are sufficient to maintain the five vessels of the royal navy stationed as well as the small merchant fleet that uses the port.

Karemus (Shorkyne) [shorkyneD8], MS 5, SS 15, K, Dak
Karemus is possibly the wealthiest freetown in Shorkyne and a regional trade center for this portion of the kingdom. Its port supports seven ships of the royal navy and a small merchant fleet.

Kirgaras (Trierzon) [trierzonD10], MS 5, SS 16, C, Karune
Kirgaras is one of many of Trierzon’s regional markets. It is located on the southwestern tip of Trierzon. With the port’s large shipyard and its ability to build or overhaul Karunes, many explorers of the passage around Anzeloria consider this port to be a prime location for their base of operations.

Mengovik (Palithane) [trierzonC6], MS 6, SS 33, C, Karune
This port is located in the southern part of Palithane, its former name under, when under Trierzi rule, was Ypenres. The port and its population are still composed almost entirely of the indigenous peoples; therefore the shipyard’s master and employees are of the Caravel style of shipbuilding. The port is the dominant trading center for the southern portion of the kingdom and its shipyard is quite large. In addition to its large repair facilities it also maintains three slipways.

Murshel (Trierzon) [trierzonE9], MS 6, SS 28, C, Karune
A port located on the Asini River and a major market in this part of Trierzon. The port itself is located along the tidal confluence of the Asini which is wide and deep enough to accommodate large sea going vessel such as the Karune. As a result, its shipyard is one of the most important in southwestern Trierzon. In addition, the Trierzi navy keeps a number of its vessels moored here for maintenance and safekeeping.

Parahal (Palithane) [trierzonB4], MS 6, SS 30, K, Dak
Parahal is the principal port and city of Palithane . The port is the dominant trading center for the northern portion of the kingdom and its shipyard is quite large. In addition to its large repair facilities it also maintains three slipways. Unlike Mengovik to the south, Parahal has a large population of Ivinian descended residents. The shipyard is run by an Ivinian who maintains the clinker style of shipbuilding. As of 720 TR this yard has of yet to acquire a shipwright who can build a Karune. The government is fine with this thus far since Mengovik can easily supply their demands.

Sagora (Shorkyne) [shorkyneH9], MS 5, SS 12, K, Dak
Sagora is a major regional trading center of Shorkyne. However, it is over shadowed by Eilyria to the east.

Sonau (Emelrene) [trierzonB3], MS 5, SS 12, K, Dak
Sonau’s importance is not as a regional trade center but as the transit center for all goods proceeding to the more important market at Berema, another 25 leagues up the Es River.

Turesgal (Shorkyne) [shorkyneE8], MS 5, SS 14, K, Dak
Turesgal is the dominant market and port in this part of Shorkyne. The port’s facilities are in excellent shape and help maintain three vessels for the royal navy.

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