This page is based on the economic map of Lýthia. That map shows where key commodities that are major exports of a particular region. Each
regional product may produce additional items that will be introduced in those modules as they are published. The same can also be said of kingdom
modules as they are published. Therefore, this page will only focus on those goods shown on the Lýthian Economic Map.
General Goods
Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Alum |
leather tanning and mordant dyeing |
Diramoa |
Brimstone (sulfur) |
medicinal |
Western Gothmir |
Bitumen |
sealant |
Northern Trierzon, Middle Targan river of Dalkesh, the Kyamu Region, and Northern Diramoa |
Ceramics |
household and utilitarian |
Western Azeryan, Dalkesh, Southern Diramoa, Shoju, and Kaneum |
Coal |
metalworking and fuel source |
Northern Hepekeria and Shoju |
Glassworks |
household and utilitarian |
Evael, Shorkyne, Karejia, and Kaneum |
Hardwoods |
household and utilitarian |
Quarphor, Anzeloria, Chogoro, Homora, and Thotra |
Lacquer |
protectant and pigment |
Diramoan/Chomsun Border and Kaneum Coastal region |
Marble |
building and sculpture material |
Northeastern Hepekeria and Northeastern Azeryan |
Opiates |
medicinal and narcotic |
Southern Reksyna, Western Mafani States, Homora, Molkura, and Diramoa |
Perfumes |
varied |
Hacherdad, Kyamu, Chomsun, Diramoa, and Jankor |
Slaves |
varied |
Azeryan, Karejia, Dalkesh, Kaneum and Argola |
Sponges |
household and utilitarian |
Karejia, Eastern Mafani States and Molnasya |
Talc |
varied |
Jankor |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Bdellium (a gum resin) |
medicinal |
Mafani States region along the Eastern Coast of Anzeloria |
Camphor |
skin treatment and lacquers |
Homora Coastal Regions, Molkura and Eastern Kaneum |
Cinnamon |
culinary |
Homora and Molnasya |
Dragons’ Blood |
leather tanning and mordant dyeing |
Pechalar Coastal Region of the Mafani States |
Frankincense |
perfumes and incense |
Southwestern Mafan |
Ginger |
culinary and medicinal |
Diramoa |
Ginseng |
culinary and medicinal |
Molkura |
Indigo |
leather tanning and mordant dyeing |
Eastern Mafani States and Pechosu |
Myrrh |
perfumes and incense |
Homora |
Myrtle |
medicinal and many others |
Southern Azeryan, Byria and Eastern Karejia |
Nard |
perfumed ointments |
Homora |
Nutmeg |
culinary |
Pechosu, Homora and Molnasya |
Pepper |
culinary |
Mafani States, Thotra and Molnasya |
Rhubarb |
medicinal |
Diramoa |
Saffron |
culinary or leather tanning and mordant dyeing |
Northern Hepekeria, Mafani States and Pechosu |
Sugar |
culinary |
Diramoa, Thotra and Molnasya |
Tazach Purple |
leather tanning and mordant dyeing |
Northeastern Venarian Sea |
Tea |
culinary and medicinal |
Eastern Gulf of Mafan, Diramoa and Pechosu/Homora Region |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Horses |
transportation |
Quarphor, Reksyna, Ketarh and Diramoa |
Peacocks |
culinary and fashion |
Chogoro |
Wild Beasts |
miscellaneous |
Hârn, Anzeloria, Homora/Pechosu Region and Molkura |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Copper |
metalwork |
Trierzon/Shorkyne/Lankor Border region, Northern Azeryan, Central Tuvara, Diramoa and Kaneum |
Gold |
jewelry and currency |
Central Azeryan, Imdalia, Mafan, Homora and Meluria |
Iron |
metalwork |
Hepekeria, Northern Azeryan, Pechosu and Chomsun/Diramoa Border Region |
Lead |
metalwork and some silver production |
Vitho, Kaneum, Chomsun and Diramoa |
Quicksilver (mercury) |
medicinal and others |
Emelrene and Molkura |
Silver |
jewelry and currency |
Eastern Reksyna, Tzengai, Eastern Anzeloria, Eastern Mafani States and Molkura |
Tin |
metalwork and some silver production |
Harbaal, Shorkyne/Emelrene Border, Thotra, Pechosu and Molkura |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Spirits |
culinary |
Trierzon/Shorkyne Border region and Shoju |
Wine |
culinary |
Trierzon, Shorkyne/Lankor Border region, Northern and Central Azeryan and Byria |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Brasswares |
metalwork and utilitarian |
Shorkyne Northern Azeryan, Karejia and Northern Diramoa |
Metalwares |
metalwork and utilitarian |
Azadmere, Southern Hepekeria, Dalkesh, Diramoa and Shoju |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Exotic Hides |
clothing and furnishings |
Anzeloria, Thotra/Homora Region, Molkura |
Furs |
clothing and furnishings |
Ivinia, Altland/Quarphor, Reksyna, Argola and Jankor |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Citrus |
culinary |
Northern Coastal Region of Hepekeria, Byria, Southern Azeryan and Kaneum |
Fruit |
culinary |
Southern Trierzon, Eastern Karejia and Arlanto |
Honey |
sweetener |
Harbaal, Quarphor, Trierzon, Argola/Diramoa Border and Chomsun/Kaneum Border |
Nuts |
culinary |
Western Anzeloria, Thotra and Molnasya |
Olives |
culinary |
Regions Along the Eastern Venarian Sea and Xerium |
Whale Oil |
varied |
Ocean Waters North of Hârn and Surrounding Ivinia and to the West of Jankor |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Amber |
jewelry and ornamentation |
Ivinia, Byria, Reksyna/Ketarh Border, Thotra and Argola |
Gem Stones |
jewelry and ornamentation |
Central Anzeloria, Mafan and Pechosu |
Gem Stones and Jewelry |
jewelry and ornamentation |
Jankor |
Ivory |
jewelry and ornamentation |
Southern Anzeloria, Pechosu and Meluria |
Jewelry |
jewelry and ornamentation |
Elder Races of Hârn, Azeryan, Karejia/Hacherdad/Dalkesh Border Region and Chogoro |
Pearls |
jewelry and ornamentation |
Southern Islands of the Gulf of Mafan, Molnasya, Islands to the West of Molkura and Islands of Jankor |
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Item |
Uses |
Lýthian Origin |
Cotton |
clothing, etc. |
Dalkesh and Kaneum |
Hemp |
clothing, etc. |
Pechalar, Mafan and Diramoa |
Linen |
clothing, etc. |
Emelrene |
Silk |
clothing, etc. |
Diramoa and Jankor |
Wool |
clothing, etc. |
Hârn, Shorkyne and Argola |
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