The Alienage
All Things Relating to Trade, Shipping, and Commodities

The Bonding House

Maritime Voyage Lengths

Local Haul (1-50 Leagues)

Looking at the maps that came with Pilot’s Almanac I have to say I disagree with the length they give to this voyage based on their description of it. First of all they state that this voyage usually covers trips made between nearby ports. Second, if we use the guidelines on market size for the other voyages we must assume this is the primary voyage taken by shippers from settlements with a market size of [0], [1], or [2]. Therefore, these voyages should be made within a radius or distance of about 50 leagues from the home port.

The most commonly used vessel for these short voyages, within Hârnic waters, is the Nivik, an all purpose merchant ship of Hârn, Ivinia, Harbaal, and other kingdoms surrounding the Gulf of Shorkyne. According to the Pilot’s Almanac Niviks conducting coastal trading will normally range between 30-42 feet; the average size being about to 36 feet. A 36 foot Nivik has a gross burthen of 26 tuns and room for about 17 tuns for cargo. For the southern kingdoms of Trierzon, Azeryan, Tarkain, and Palithane to some extent the Venar fills this same role in the same dimensions.

The primary cargo on such voyages is foodstuffs, raw materials, and passengers; whereas, the return voyage brings back items not obtainable at the home port and some luxury and exotic items.

Short Haul (51-180 Leagues)

Based on the above assumptions, these voyages occurring between settlements with a market size of [3] or [4] makes me feel that 300 leagues is also to long. Instead, the Short Haul should have a range of 180 leagues from the originating port. On Hârn this may appear problematic. However, when looking at all the regions we have maps for it makes far more since than the 300 leagues Pilot’s Almanac calls for. After all, this voyage is about exchanging surplus goods at point ‘A’ for needed items at point ‘B’, such as between Aleath and Golotha.

Again the most commonly used vessel is also the Nivik or the Venar; however, their size being larger than those used in local hauls. A few ports may even have the larger Dak available, but only one or two at most. Again, Pilot’s Almanac states that the sea going Nivik or Venar ranges between 42-60 feet, the average size being about 51 feet. A 51 foot Nivik or Venar would have a gross burthen of 78 tuns and room for about 67 tuns for cargo. In the southern regions mentioned above they would be using the Raem instead of the Dak.

The primary cargo on these voyages consists of surplus materials, industrial goods in demand at other locations, and passengers; whereas, the return voyage brings back materials need by home industries that are not available locally along with finished goods, luxury and exotic items.

Medium Haul (181-600 Leagues)

Looking at a minimum market size of [5] for this voyage and the fact that the description talks of moving goods only available at the source, I like the length set for this voyage. This allows large port cities to act as the regional trade centers they are. However, Hârn does not have any ports with a market size of [5]; therefore, Cherafir fills in as Hârn’s regional trade center due to its being the terminus for a number of major and minor trade routes.

The Dak or Raem would be the primary vessel used for such voyages. The average size for such voyages would be about 66 feet. A 66 foot Dak or Raem would have a gross burthen of 240 tuns and room for about 203 tuns.

As the description alludes, most of the goods being exported would be goods unobtainable on mainland Lýthia or needed for Lýthian industries, such as cloth manufacturing or items made by the Elder Races.

Long Haul (601-1200 Leagues)

I see no problem with the length of this voyage. It’s the kind the Laruns of Karejia would make. The goods carried are predominantly high value and in demand at all points along the route. Cherafir is the only market size [6] port in all of Hârn and as stated above the terminus of many trade routes coming from the mainland. Therefore, it is also the main exporter of Hârnic goods to the mainland. Although most of this is done by Lýthian vessels, Cherafir’s own merchant marine does conduct a limited amount of trade with the mainland. However, since Cherafir also acts as Hârn’s regional port most of her shipping activities are towards redistributing Lýthian imports throughout Hârn.

The primary vessel used for exporting goods to Lýthia is the Dak; like those used to redistribute goods throughout Hârn, see medium haul above, these vessels average about 66 feet. A 66 foot Dak would have a gross burthen of 240 tuns and room for a cargo of about 203 tuns. The southern ports mentioned above use the Raem of similar size to the Dak and the Karune. In addition, Chelemby also used the Karune along with the Dak.

For the most part this is not an import enterprise within Hârn, the isles having very little to offer the far flung markets of the Eastern Venarian Sea. Most of what Hârn does send to these markets travels back with the Karejian Larun or the odd vessels going that way, very few Hârnic ships ever venturing into the Venarian Sea itself. The primary high value or unique goods that Hârn has to offer to these markets are items manufactured by the Elder Races, or very good copies, Ivashu, and Hârnic silver and gold.

Maxim Haul (1201+ Leagues)

These are global voyages and for most p-Hârns non-existent. For those who have already explored some of the other Kethiran continents this type of voyage may be a viable option. In regards to western Lýthia, the closest possibility of such a voyage may be an exploratory voyage around Anzeloria.

There are no vessels made within Hârnic ports that would be able to make such a voyage. If a Hârnic master did wish to do so he would have to acquire a Karune from the mainland.