What is Wealth?
All goods and resources having value in terms of exchange or use.
Land as Wealth in Early Earth Societies:
In the western tradition, the concepts of owning land and accumulating wealth in the form of land were engendered in the rise of the first
states, for a primary service and power of government was, and is to this day, the awarding and adjudication of land use rights.
Land ownership was also justified according to John Locke. He claimed that because we admix our labor with the land, we thereby deserve the
right to control the use of the land and benefit from the product of that land.
Land as Wealth in Northwestern Lýthia:
As in our own history here on earth, and even in present times, bullion in the form of silver and gold are not unlimited but very limited in
the amount available to mankind. Thus on Kelestia the same holds true. So even though man uses various means to rate things in x-amounts of
gold or silver when referring to value or wealth, there is just not enough of either to actually do so. So the values become means of account
and representation of an items value or the wealth someone owns in goods and land.
Land on the other hand is tangible and can be held by an individual through their own action by force and control of its resources, or by way
of gift from someone else who has had the power and freely relinquishes it to another, or in return for services rendered to the original
holder, or as a tenant who is required to pay various services for the land to the actual holder.
Because it is somewhat abundant and can be given a valuation based on its ability to produce needed items, such as crops, the produce of
livestock, etc, it is seen as a means of determining wealth. Therefore, the amount of land a man or his clan hold signifies how wealthy they
are. Whereas moveable property also has value and can contribute to how wealthy one is, land is considered a more secure and dominant form of
ones wealth.
Land in the Cities:
With the coming of towns and cities land has not lost its value as a form of wealth. Even though bullion and trade goods mark how wealthy a
city and/or town dweller may be; they still strive to attain land for the same reason those in the country do, it a more secure form of wealth
and can produce more wealth for the owner. Within settlements the wealthy look to acquire plots of land to build businesses or tenements upon,
some may even use it to grow produce to sell in the markets. The difference in the settlements is that the land can be purchased from others
or sold. In some cases the wealthiest residents even try to acquire land outside the city and attempt to elevate status within society as a