The Alienage
All Things Relating to Trade, Shipping, and Commodities

Feudal Troop Types


Troop Types

Hârnic Infantry
(My Interpretation)

If we go by Hârnic canon, we must assume two things, both of which are very contradictory.

  • First of all, bows are anathema for anyone using them on people according to religious doctrine and secular law.
  • Second, bows are a recognized element of the militia forces and are also becoming a significant element as a yeomanry weapon.

With this in mind it fits in well with how medieval Europe was also looking at not just the crossbow, but all bows during the time frame I have been basing my information on. Hârnic and Lýthian soldiers, noble and non-noble have recognized the significance of the bow in a world where the mounted knight has come to dominate the battlefield. Many see the bow as an equalizer and a means of reducing the cavalry's effect on the field of battle.

With most armies of the period we are looking at there really was no specific distinction between true infantrymen and missile troops, they were all considered infantry troops. As the bow gained dominance, the difference between the two arms started to be defined in texts and laws.

Within western Lýthia matters are quite different. Emelrene has a preponderance of longbows as do the surrounding regions of Shorkyne, Trierzon and Palithane. The further you get away from Emelrene the shortbow most likely gains prominence as does the crossbow, which may be dominant in regions bordering Azeryan.


Within the feudal societies of Hârn the shortbow and longbow are currently the dominant weapons. If we go by the table located above from the BattleLust article we must assume that shortbows outnumber longbows by three to one. In my opinion this is because the longbow is not indigenous to the Hârnic isles and has only been taking root within the eastern part of the isle over the last century and maybe only the last 50 years in the west. With this in mind, the western feudal kingdoms may only have a ration of four to one to six to one shortbows to longbows. The Hârnic longbow is most likely not as good as the Emelrene longbow and therefore may require a reduction in quality, range, damage or all of them in some form.

Bowmen will be armored in the same manner as their infantry counterparts discussed under the infantry link.


The crossbow is not a proscribed weapon, but as a military weapon has only recently been making its way into the Hârnic isles, most likely by way of Orbaal and Rethem. All together it may only account for one percent of bows within a military force; much like the example above when there were only 10 crossbows present in a force of 200 archers or five percent of that force. If anything, it is primarily used as a defensive weapon within fortifications.

There is a possibility that the feudal barony of Habe may have a large number of crossbows due to its sociopolitical links with the Khuzan.

Bowmen will be armored in the same manner as their infantry counterparts discussed under the infantry link.

Other Missile Troops:

Although the Hârnic material does not mention any other kinds of missile troops, it must be assumed they were their within the feudal kingdoms as region/cultural specific troop types. Within the heaths of Kanday may be found slingers. The hills of Kaldor may produce men who use the javelin. Other examples can also be generated as the GM see fit.

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