The Alienage
All Things Relating to Trade, Shipping, and Commodities

Armor Profiles

Armor Profiles

Light Troops

Light Armor A Light Armor B Light Armor C
Light Foot A Light Foot B Light Foot (Shortbow) C
Leather Hat (Sk) Leather Hat (Sk) Sh Leather Coif (Sk, Nk)
Leather Vest (Sh, Tx, Ab) Sh Cloth Cowl (Sk, Nk) Lg Cloth Cowl (Sk, Nk, Sh)
Quilt Shirt (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab) Leather Tunic (Sh, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th) Quilt Vest (Sh, Tx, Ab)
Cloth Breeches (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn) Lg Cloth Shirt (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr) Cloth Shirt with Sleeves (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr)
Leather Calf Boots (Cf, Ft) Leather Leggings (Th, Kn, Cf, Ft) Leather Gauntlets (Ha)
  Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf) Leather Pants (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf, Ft)
    Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf)
Load & Price 16.2 lbs 169d Load & Price 18.4 lbs 277d Load & Price 18.85 lbs 320d
Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T
Skull 1-2-1 3-0-2 Skull 1-3-1 4-0-3 Skull 1-3-1 4-0-3
Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - -
Face - - - - Face - - - - Face - - - -
Neck - - - - Neck 0-1-0 1-0-1 Neck 1-3-1 4-0-3
Shoulders 6-3-2 6-1-5 Shoulders 1-3-1 4-0-3 Shoulders 12-16-14 12-4-21
Upper Arms 5-1-1 3-1-3 Upper Arms 0-1-0 1-0-1 Upper Arms 0-1-0 1-0-1
Elbows - - - - Elbows 0-1-0 1-0-1 Elbows 0-1-0 1-0-1
Forearms - - - - Forearms 0-1-0 1-0-1 Forearms 0-1-0 1-0-1
Hands - - - - Hands - - - - Hands - - - -
Thorax 6-3-2 6-1-5 Thorax 1-3-1 4-0-3 Thorax 5-2-1 4-1-4
Abdomen 6-3-2 6-1-5 Abdomen 1-3-1 4-0-3 Abdomen 5-2-1 4-1-4
Hips 0-1-0 1-0-1 Hips 1-4-1 5-0-4 Hips 1-4-1 5-0-4
Groin 0-1-0 1-0-1 Groin 1-4-1 5-0-4 Groin 1-4-1 5-0-4
Thighs 0-1-0 1-0-1 Thighs 2-5-2 7-0-4 Thighs 1-4-1 5-0-4
Knees 0-1-0 1-0-1 Knees 1-3-1 4-0-3 Knees 1-4-1 5-0-4
Calves 1-2-1 3-0-2 Calves 1-3-1 4-0-3 Calves 1-4-1 5-0-4
Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2 Feet 1-3-1 4-0-3 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2

Light Armor D Light Armor E Light Armor F
Light Foot D Light Foot (Shortbow) E Light Foot F
Leather Hat ( Sk) Cloth Skullcap (Sk) Long Quilt Cowl (Sk, Nk, Sh)
Cloth Vest (Sh, Tx, Ab) Quilt Hauberk (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th) Quilt Shirt with Sleeves (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr)
Quilted Shirt (Ua, Sh, Tx, Ab) Cloth Shirt with Sleeves (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr) Quilt Trousers (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf)
Quilted Trousers (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf) Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf) Leather Shoes (Ft)
Leather Shoes (Ft) Leather Shoes (Ft)  
Load & Price 17.4 lbs 337d Load & Price 17.1 lbs 335d Load & Price 20.65 lbs 406d
Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T
Skull 1-2-1 3-0-2 Skull 0-1-0 1-0-1 Skull 5-1-1 3-1-3
Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - -
Face - - - - Face - - - - Face - - - -
Neck - - - - Neck - - - - Neck 5-1-1 3-1-3
Shoulders 5-2-1 4-0-4 Shoulders 5-2-1 4-1-4 Shoulders 10-2-2 6-2-6
Upper Arms 5-1-1 3-1-3 Upper Arms 5-2-1 4-1-4 Upper Arms 5-1-1 3-1-3
Elbows - - - - Elbows 0-1-0 1-0-1 Elbows 5-1-1 3-1-3
Forearms - - - - Forearms 0-1-0 1-0-1 Forearms 5-1-1 3-1-3
Hands - - - - Hands - - - - Hands - - - -
Thorax 5-2-1 4-0-4 Thorax 5-2-1 4-1-4 Thorax 5-1-1 3-1-3
Abdomen 5-2-1 4-0-4 Abdomen 5-2-1 4-1-4 Abdomen 5-1-1 3-1-3
Hips 5-1-1 3-1-3 Hips 5-3-1 5-1-5 Hips 10-2-2 6-2-6
Groin 5-1-1 3-1-3 Groin 5-3-1 5-1-5 Groin 10-2-2 6-2-6
Thighs 5-1-1 3-1-3 Thighs 5-2-1 4-1-4 Thighs 5-1-1 3-1-3
Knees 5-1-1 3-1-3 Knees 0-1-0 1-0-1 Knees 5-1-1 3-1-3
Calves 5-1-1 3-1-3 Calves 0-1-0 1-0-1 Calves 5-1-1 3-1-3
Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2

Light Armor G Light Armor H Light Armor I
Light Foot G Light Foot (Longbow) H Light Cavalry I
Cloth Mantle with Hood (Sk, Nk, Sh, Ua, Tx) Plate Half-helm (Sk) Ring Half-Helm (Sk)
Quilt Smock (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th) Quilt Coif (Sk, Nk) Cloth Cowl (Sk, Nk)
Cloth Shirt with Sleeves (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr) Quilted Shirt (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab) Cloth Surcoat (Sh, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th, Kn)
Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf) Cloth Shirt (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr) Quilt Tunic (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th)
Leather Calf Boots (Cf, Ft) Kurbul Vambraces (Fo) Kurbul Ailettes (Sh)
  Leather Gauntlets (Ha) Leather Leggings (Th, Kn, Cf, Ft)
  Leather Pants (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf, Ft) Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf)
  Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf,) Kurbul Greaves (Cf)
Load & Price 21.45 lbs 410d Load & Price 21.95 lbs 400d Load & Price 24.85 lbs 478d
Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T
Skull 0-1-0 1-0-1 Skull 10-9-8 8-4-13 Skull 3-7-2 6-1-6
Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - -
Face - - - - Face - - - - Face - - - -
Neck 0-1-0 1-0-1 Neck 5-1-1 3-1-3 Neck 0-1-0 1-0-1
Shoulders 5-3-1 5-1-5 Shoulders 5-2-1 4-1-4 Shoulders 9-6-4 7-3-8
Upper Arms 5-3-1 5-1-5 Upper Arms 5-2-1 4-1-4 Upper Arms 5-1-1 3-1-3
Elbows 5-2-1 4-1-4 Elbows - - - - Elbows - - - -
Forearms 5-2-1 4-1-4 Forearms 4-4-3 3-2-4 Forearms - - - -
Hands - - - - Hands 1-3-1 4-0-3 Hands - - - -
Thorax 5-3-1 5-1-5 Thorax 5-2-1 4-1-4 Thorax 5-2-1 4-1-4
Abdomen 5-2-1 4-1-4 Abdomen 5-2-1 4-1-4 Abdomen 5-2-1 4-1-4
Hips 5-3-1 5-1-5 Hips 1-4-1 5-0-4 Hips 5-3-1 3-1-3
Groin 5-3-1 5-1-5 Groin 1-4-1 5-0-4 Groin 5-3-1 3-1-3
Thighs 5-2-1 4-1-4 Thighs 1-3-1 4-0-3 Thighs 6-5-2 8-1-7
Knees 0-1-0 1-0-1 Knees 1-3-1 4-0-3 Knees 1-4-1 5-0-4
Calves 1-3-1 4-0-3 Calves 1-3-1 4-0-3 Calves 5-7-4 7-2-7
Feet 1-3-1 4-0-3 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2

Light Armor J Light Armor K Light Armor L
Light Foot J Light Foot K Light Cavalry L
Plate Half-Helm (Sk) Lg Leather Cowl (Sk, Nk, Sh) Plate Half-helm (Sk)
Cloth Cowl (Sk, Nk) Leather Shirt w/Sleeves (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr) Lg Quilt Cowl (Sk, Nk, Sh)
Cloth Surcoat (Sh, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th, Kn) Cloth Shirt w/Sleeves (Sh, Ua, El, Fo, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr) Kurbul Cuirass (Tx, Ab)
Quilt Gambeson (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th) Kurbul Coudes (El) Cloth Surcoat (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab, Hp, Gr, Th)
Leather Vambraces (Fo) Kurbul Vambraces (Fo) Quilt Shirt (Sh, Ua, Tx, Ab)
Leather Gauntlets (Ha) Leather Gauntlets (Ha) Kurbul Vambraces (Fo)
Leather Breeches (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn) Leather Leggings (Th, Kn, Cf, Ft) Leather Gauntlets (Ha)
Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Ca) Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf) Quilt Trousers (Hp, Gr,Th, Kn, Cf,)
Leather Knee Boots (Kn, Ca, Ft) Plate Greaves (Cf) Cloth Hose (Hp, Gr, Th, Kn, Cf, Ft)
    Leather Shoes (Ft)
Load & Price 27.6 lbs 505d Load & Price 27.9 lbs 497d Load & Price 30.27 lbs 646d
Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T Body Part B - E - P F - S - T
Skull 5-9-7 6-3-11 Skull 1-2-1 3-0-2 Skull 10-9-8 8-4-13
Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - - Eyes - - - -
Face - - - - Face - - - - Face - - - -
Neck 0-1-0 1-0-1 Neck 1-2-1 3-0-2 Neck 5-1-1 3-1-3
Shoulders 5-2-1 4-1-4 Shoulders 2-5-2 7-0-5 Shoulders 10-3-2 7-2-7
Upper Arms 5-1-1 3-1-3 Upper Arms 1-3-1 4-0-3 Upper Arms 5-2-1 4-1-4
Elbows - - - - Elbows 5-7-4 7-2-7 Elbows - - - -
Forearms 1-2-1 3-0-2 Forearms 5-7-4 7-2-7 Forearms 4-4-3 3-2-4
Hands 1-2-1 3-0-2 Hands 1-2-1 3-0-2 Hands 1-2-1 3-0-2
Thorax 5-2-1 4-1-4 Thorax 1-3-1 4-0-2 Thorax 9-6-4 7-3-8
Abdomen 5-2-1 4-1-4 Abdomen 1-3-1 4-0-2 Abdomen 9-6-4 7-3-8
Hips 6-5-2 8-1-7 Hips 1-4-1 5-0-3 Hips 5-3-1 5-1-5
Groin 6-5-2 8-1-7 Groin 1-4-1 5-0-3 Groin 5-3-1 5-1-5
Thighs 6-5-2 8-1-7 Thighs 1-4-1 5-0-3 Thighs 5-3-1 5-1-5
Knees 2-6-2 8-0-6 Knees 1-4-1 5-0-3 Knees 5-2-1 4-0-4
Calves 1-3-1 4-0-3 Calves 6-12-9 11-3-14 Calves 5-2-1 4-0-4
Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2 Feet 1-2-1 3-0-2

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